The INLIA Foundation - a bird's eye view
The aims of the Foundation are:
- Primarily, to promote that local faith communities - in the Netherlands and in Europe - dedicate themselves to the interests of asylum seekers and refugees.
- Secondly, to offer emergency aid, support and advice to (individual) asylum seekers who appeal to the Foundation for help.
During its existence the Foundation has developed into a centre of knowledge and an office that advizes many municipalities as well. The INLIA office hosts the secretariat for a national consulting body of municipal authorities concerning emergency aid for asylum seekers, called LOGO (Landeljk Overleg van Gemeentebesturen inzake Opvangbeleid).
Above all, INLIA has become an organisation which signals where problems might come up, which analyzes developments and which creates feasible solutions. INLIA wants to stand out by coming up with practical solutions for problems regarding the acceptance of and accommodation for asylum seekers and refugees, in cooperation with our partners.
INLIA sees it as its mission to promote justice in society by dedicating itself to helping asylum seekers and refugees in emergency situations. From its expert position in the centre, the Foundation:
- assists individual asylum seekers in need,
- supports local faith communities reaching out to asylum seekers in need,
- assists municipalities that have to deal with social issues regarding asylum seekers in need, finding practical solutions that are acceptable to all parties concerned, and
- pursues a thorough and realistic lobby campaign to promote just and humane treatment of asylum seekers.
The Foundation also investigates in which way a successful approach in certain areas could be expanded, for instance:
- the method aimed at developing a new perspective for foreigners; a future either in the Netherlands, in the country of origin or in a third country.
- the development of provisions which promote the acceptance and public support of refugees in Dutch society.
INLIA does not receive state subsidies but is financed entirely by its support group of faith communities and individual contributors. The office was established in the city of Groningen in 1988 and has now expanded to five foundations with diverse activities and projects, such as the 'Bed-Bad-Brood' facilities (a 24 hours emergency shelter) in Groningen and Emmen, a project that develops safe resettlement programmes (the 'Transithuis') and an integration & housing project for newly admitted residence permit holders ('statushouders') called the 'Tussenvoorziening' in Eelde.
More information:
30 Years Charter of Groningen and the INLIA Foundation