Visiting and mail address

Jacobijnerstraat 5
The Netherlands

Telephone and telefax number

telephone +31 50 3138181
telefax +31 50 3120412

E-mail address (general)

Opening hours

Mondays  13.30 - 17.00 hours
Tuesdays till Fridays 09.00 - 12.30 and 13.30 - 17.00 hours
During holiday periods, adapted hours may apply, which you will then find on this page.

For very urgent cases only, you can call the emergency number 050-3137371, during office hours (9-17 hrs).

General information

For information about the work of INLIA and the network of Charter churches or general questions that are related to asylum seekers and refugees, you can contact the department of Church and Public Relations ('KRP') during the abovementioned opening hours (except on Wednesday afternoons).

Individual assistance & consultation hours

Asylum seekers and their legal aid workers and other counsellors can call for legal advice during the telephonic consultation hours: every Wednesday and Thursday 11:00  - 12:00 and Friday 14:00 - 15:00 hours.

For questions about, for example, access to medical care, the opportunities to receive training/education, problems with housing and living conditions of asylum seekers etc, there is a social consultation hour every Tuesday 14:00 -16:00 and on Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 hours.

We kindly request you not to send questions on legal aid matters or documents from asylum request files to our office without prior notice. It is advisable to first contact us during the telephonic consultation hours, to be able to discuss which specific documents you would need to send to our office, in order to enable us to properly consider your request for advice and help.

If you would like to visit our office in Groningen in person, we strongly recommend you to make an appointment in advance through telephone or e-mail.


INLIA does not receive any government subsidy, because we do not want to be dependent on the government that is responsible for the implementation of asylum  policy.  This means that we are dependent on donations and contributions from churches and individual persons who support our work. Only in this way our independence can be guaranteed.

Does the work of INLIA on behalf of asylum seekers in need appeal to you? And do you want to help us continue with our work?  Please transfer your gift to IBAN number NL47 INGB 0005 8728 15 in the name of 'Stichting INLIA'.  
The Dutch Internal Revenue Service ('Belastingdienst') acknowledges the INLIA Foundation als a Public Benefit Organisation ('ANBI'); this means that your contribution may be tax-deductible. Every contribution, great or small, is welcome!


Copyright 2025